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NutraChamps Ashwagandha

Harness the power of Ashwagandha for stress relief, mental clarity, and vitality, combined with black pepper extract for enhanced absorption.

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For generations, Ashwagandha has been celebrated for its remarkable ability to alleviate stress and anxiety, enhance cognitive function, and replenish energy and vigor.

To ensure optimal absorption and bioavailability, our product is skillfully infused with black pepper extract. Discover the unparalleled benefits of this time-honored herbal remedy and embrace a renewed sense of well-being.


Experience a renewed sense of vitality and balance with NutraChamps Ashwagandha. Our customers rave about its calming, uplifting effects, making it a true source of happiness and relaxation in every bottle. Say goodbye to exhaustion and hello to rejuvenation.

Organic Ashwagandha Root

Ashwagandha, renowned in Ayurvedic medicine, has stood the test of time as a beloved herbal remedy. Its exceptional properties enable the body to find balance, providing a consistent source of invigorating energy throughout the day and aiding in relaxation during evenings.

Functioning as an adaptogen, this herb supports the body’s resilience against stress without the risk of addiction or harm, facilitating optimal functionality.
Per Serving: 1800mg Organic Ashwagandha Root (Withania Somnifera)

Black Pepper Extract

Scientific research has revealed that the natural form of ashwagandha exhibits low absorption rates and limited bioavailability. Nevertheless, a remarkable solution exists in the form of black pepper, which significantly enhances the body’s ability to assimilate ashwagandha. NutraChamps’ exclusive ashwagandha formula harnesses the power of black pepper extract, ensuring unparalleled absorption and bioavailability.

By incorporating this unique combination, your body can fully unlock the extensive benefits that ashwagandha brings forth.

Per Serving: 10mg Black Pepper Extract (BioPerine) (95% Piperine)

An Invigorating Essence

Experience the tranquil effects of ashwagandha, a natural remedy cherished for its ability to alleviate the burdens of stress, depression, and anxiety. Our meticulously sourced, high-quality organic root powder is designed to restore equilibrium, promoting a state of calm, positivity, and serenity within you.


  • Alleviates stress and anxiety, providing relief
  • Revitalizes energy levels and enhances mood
  • Fosters a state of tranquility and mental balance
  • Nurtures and aids in the restoration of thyroid and adrenal health
  • Amplifies absorption efficiency through the synergy with black pepper






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